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SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.10 音频编辑器
更新时间: 2024-08-23 11:18
人气: 175
文件密码: imac.ly (或无密码)
软件类型: 国外软件
界面语言: 简体中文
运行环境:Mac OS X 10.10或更高版本

SpectraLayers is a new approach to audio editing, with new concepts to transform the way you work. For the first time you can directly edit spectral data, opening advanced sonic worlds, and use innovative enhancements to traditional techniques. Visualize audio in astonishing new ways, including 3D. Work with mixes like they were tracks. Integrate these abilities into your DAW and other tools. And all in a familiar interface that you didn’t realize you already knew.

SpectraLayers 是一种新的音频编辑方法,具有改变您工作方式的新概念。这是第一次,您可以直接编辑频谱数据,打开先进的声音世界,并对传统技术进行创新增强。以惊人的新方式(包括 3D)可视化音频。像处理轨道一样处理混音。将这些功能集成到您的 DAW 和其他工具中。所有这些都在一个熟悉的界面中,你没有意识到你已经知道了。

The Advanced Tool You Already Know您已经知道的高级工具

SpectraLayers is the first completely visual editing system for audio. It extends the traditional visualization of spectral editors to every aspect of editing sounds, including how they mix together. To make this approach intuitive, SpectraLayers employs the model of high-end image editors – not just the interface, but what you can do with sound and how you do it. So, despite its advanced technology, SpectraLayers is immediately familiar and instantly powerful.SpectraLayers是第一个完全可视化的音频编辑系统。它将频谱编辑器的传统可视化扩展到编辑声音的各个方面,包括它们如何混合在一起。为了使这种方法直观,SpectraLayers采用了高端图像编辑器的模型--不仅仅是界面,还有你可以用声音做什么以及如何做。因此,尽管技术先进,但 SpectraLayers 立即熟悉并立即强大。


Retouch Audio润饰音频

The most natural, powerful and precise editing is made directly in the medium. Paint and brushes, retouching and photographs, video and frames. SpectraLayers introduces this way of editing to audio. Start with the spectral domain, where time, frequency and amplitude are all visible. Use the power of 22 advanced tools – modification, drawing, selection, measurement, marking and listening with your mouse, or a pressure-sensitive stylus.最自然、最强大和最精确的编辑是直接在媒体中进行的。油漆和画笔、修饰和照片、视频和框架。SpectraLayers引入了这种音频编辑方式。从光谱域开始,时间、频率和振幅都是可见的。使用 22 种高级工具的强大功能 - 修改、绘图、选择、测量、标记和使用鼠标或压敏触控笔收听。

Advanced Selection Engine高级选择引擎

Transcend traditional audio editing with the industry’s most advanced selection engine. Create any selection shape – drawn freehand, with geometry-based tools or automatically based on audio features. Add fully visualized crossfade masks and real-time previews. Use selections for spectral playback, selection-based effects, and our Visual Transformation Engine. Alternatively, use selections to protect audio from modification, extract selections to other Layers, and compose 2D soundscapes. Even save and recall them.使用业界最先进的选择引擎超越传统的音频编辑。创建任何选择形状 - 徒手绘制,使用基于几何的工具或根据音频功能自动绘制。添加完全可视化的交叉淡入淡出蒙版和实时预览。使用选区进行光谱回放、基于选区的效果和我们的视觉转换引擎。或者,使用选区来保护音频不被修改,将选区提取到其他图层,并组成 2D 音景。甚至保存并召回它们。

Selection-Based Effects: Re-Imagined基于选择的效果:重新构想

SpectraLayers re-imagines selection-based processing, the editing technique most common in other spectral tools. It starts with our Advanced Selection Engine (ASE). Apply SpectraLayers’ industry-standard restoration effects, such as spectral noise reduction and audio healing. In another industry first, you can also use External Editor Processing to use the effects in your other audio tools, such as WaveLab, iZotope RX® and Melodyne® with full ASE compatibility. Undo and redo these edits like any other – instantly.SpectraLayers 重新构想了基于选择的处理,这是其他光谱工具中最常见的编辑技术。它从我们的高级选择引擎 (ASE) 开始。应用 SpectraLayers 的行业标准修复效果,例如频谱降噪和音频修复。在另一个行业中,您还可以使用外部编辑器处理来使用其他音频工具中的效果,例如具有完全 ASE 兼容性的 WaveLab、iZotope RX® 和 Melodyne®。像任何其他编辑一样,立即撤消和重做这些编辑。

Transpose the Way You Transform改变转型方式

SpectraLayers employs the industry’s only visual transformation system for sound. And it’s real-time, with full-resolution previewing. Move, scale and stretch audio as you drag your mouse (or stylus) to align musical features while you transform, and measure your changes with markers and timelines. Of course, you can also do it how everyone else does, using numbers. Either way, all transformations are powered by the Advanced Selection Engine.SpectraLayers采用了业界唯一的声音视觉转换系统。而且它是实时的,具有全分辨率预览功能。在拖动鼠标(或触控笔)时移动、缩放和拉伸音频,以在转换时对齐音乐特征,并使用标记和时间线测量您的变化。当然,你也可以像其他人一样,使用数字来做。无论哪种方式,所有转换都由高级选择引擎提供支持。

Tracks and Regions, Evolved轨道和区域,不断发展

Layers are at the heart of SpectraLayers. They’re compatible with regions and tracks, but more powerful. Seeing them shows you how they sound – both individually and mixed with other Layers. You can edit them while seeing how your changes affect other tracks – in real-time. Using any editing method, instantly previewed with every tool.图层是SpectraLayers的核心。它们与区域和轨道兼容,但功能更强大。看到它们可以向您展示它们的声音 - 无论是单独还是与其他层混合。您可以实时编辑它们,同时查看您的更改如何影响其他轨道。使用任何编辑方法,立即预览每个工具。


What’s New最新消息

Version 11.0.20:版本11.0.20:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.更新此列表时,发行说明不可用。



macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processormacOS 10.12 或更高版本,64 位处理器

版本号 11.0.10
更新日期 2024.08.23
文件大小 未知
软件 游戏
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