赛车运动本质上是危险的。《尘埃 4》就是要直面这种危险。这是关于越野赛车绝对重要的刺激、兴奋和肾上腺素。更重要的是,这是关于热爱这种感觉。这是关于在陡峭的悬崖旁全力...
分类:游戏 点击:132 日期:2023-08-02dirt Rally是有史以来最真实、最惊险的拉力赛游戏,由dirt社区进行了超过8000万英里的公路测试。它完美地捕捉了当你以惊人的速度沿着危险的道路疾驰时,在边缘赛车的白色指关节感,...
分类:游戏 点击:243 日期:2021-08-03Motorsport by its very nature is dangerous. dirt 4 is all about embracing that danger. Its about the thrill exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. And more than that its about loving that feeling. Its abo...
分类:游戏 点击:775 日期:2019-06-29