标题: singita摄影师拍摄的曼海尼狮群 2018 11. 23 [打印本页] 作者: 艾的民 时间: 2019-4-9 08:14 标题: singita摄影师拍摄的曼海尼狮群 2018 11. 23 Small paws with the courage of big lions.
The Mhangene pride continue to flourish with a new litter of three cubs. The first four images are of the new cubs (approximately 2 months old), the remaining images are from the four older cubs (approximately 4 months old). 曼海尼狮群继续 诞生新的幼狮。前四张是新幼狮的图像(两个月大)剩下的图片是四头大一点的幼狮(大概4个月大)