Also, the doctor's skill is the key! An experienced doctor, like an old cook, knows how to use the ultrasonic gun as a "kitchen artifact" to adjust the "delicious food" that is most suitable for us and make the treatment effect fly. So, when choosing an ultrasonic gun, remember to pick those institutions that are formal, powerful and experienced doctors.
Avoid strenuous exercise: avoid strenuous exercise within one week after operation, so as not to affect the recovery of skin.
Keep enough sleep: After operation, you need to keep enough sleep to promote the recovery of the body and the repair of the skin.
There may be some slight discomfort symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain after operation, which is a normal reaction and will generally subside within a few days. If the symptoms continue to worsen or other abnormal conditions occur, you should seek medical attention in time.
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国内外已有10余年的医.疗美 容基础研究及大量临 床实践,微 整术 后口-服专用修复营养ACMETEA【细胞能量蛋白】不仅可以快速修复损伤细胞同时为新细胞的生长提供更年轻更健康的能量。埋线、微拉美、拉皮开刀手 术、超声刀、热玛吉、超声炮、7D聚拉提、欧洲之星、热拉提、水光针、植发等,微整手 术理疗、小切口除皱及面部脂肪移植、面部提升术,可通过术 后大量口-服【细胞能量蛋白】可提升胶原蛋白增生、新生血管形成等,重塑皮下胶原纤维和弹性纤维网,使面部产生有效紧致提升的冶疗效果。可使年轻化冶疗效果明显增强。而且,可使术 后效果持续攀升半年以上,使用者的满意度达到86%,随时间推移而提高的趋势。
As an effective anti-aging beauty technology, ultrasonic gun has attracted more and more attention. While knowing how often the ultrasonic gun is done, how many times a course of treatment and how many times a course of treatment is, we also need to know the principle of the ultrasonic gun, the factors affecting the effect and the matters needing attention after operation. Only in this way can we better choose the treatment plan that suits us and achieve the ideal effect. At the same time, we also need to choose regular institutions and experienced doctors to do postoperative care to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment.(超声炮多久做一次,一疗程几次、超声炮多久打一次)